There are three categories of Membership: Student, Member and Special.

The conditions and privileges applicable to a Student member are as follows:

Aged 8 to 21 years

Entrance Fee  –  N5, 000.00

Annual Subscription  –  N2, 000.00

(Students of the MUSON Diploma School of Music are welcome to enroll under this category for as long as they are students at the School and regardless of their age)


  • Receives the MUSON Newsletter and concert flyers which provide information about the Society’s various activities
  • Receives a membership smart Card
  • Is invited to an annual “members only” garden party
  • All paid up members enjoy a discount on ticket prices for all local MUSON



A MEMBER is entitled to all the privileges of a Student member and, in addition,

has the opportunity to take advantage of the limited number of seats reserved for members at local MUSON Concerts.
There are five categories of Special members

The conditions and privileges applicable to Special Members are as follows:


Entrance Fee – N1, 000,000.00

Annual Subscription – N30, 000.00

A BENEFACTOR is entitled to all the privileges of a Member and, in addition,

listed in MUSON concert Programmes
listed on a Gold Plaque displayed conspicuously at the MUSON Centre
awarded a Certificate of Recognition
Privileged to choose beforehand, a limited number of seats at local & international MUSON concerts


Entrance Fee – N750, 000.00

Annual Subscription – N30, 000.00

A SPONSOR is entitled to all the privileges of a Member and, in addition,

listed in MUSON concert Programmes
listed on a Silver Plaque displayed conspicuously at the MUSON Centre
presented with a Certificate of Recognition


Entrance Fee – N500, 000.00

Annual Subscription – N30, 000.00

A SUSTAINER is entitled to all the privileges of a Member and, in addition,

listed in MUSON concert Programmes
listed on a Mansonia Plaque displayed conspicuously at the MUSON Centre
presented with a Certificate of Recognition


Entrance Fee – N250, 000.00

Annual Subscription – N30, 000.00

A SUPPORTING DONOR is entitled to all the privileges of a Member and, in addition,

listed in MUSON concert Programmes
presented with a Certificate of Recognition

Entrance Fee – N100, 000.00

Annual Subscription – N30, 000.00


is entitled to all the privileges of a Member and, in addition,

listed in MUSON concert Programmes
*Note: Membership category upgrades are welcome

Account Details

Account Name: The Musical Society of Nigeria

Account Number: 1010497617

Bank: Zenith Bank


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